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Writer's pictureLindsey H

Halfway Point of College

Updated: Jul 6, 2022

In a magical lapse of time, my sophomore year of college has drawn to a close. I am blown away by the amount of personal growth and change that can happen in the literal blink of an eye. Last year, I was so confined by the screen of my laptop to connect me to my school. While I did my best, I never could have imagined how much things would change once I had the chance to fully immerse myself in all the opportunities at USC in person.

Here are some things I am proud of:

  1. Restarted SC Irish Dance Club

  2. Had internships both semesters in marketing and PR (on top of 18 units)

  3. Joined Concerts Committee and pushed myself to volunteer and make connections

  4. Took hip hop for fun and built a community

  5. Worked in the Annenberg Media Control Room as a teleprompter for Sports SCene

  6. Created merch for the Italian club

  7. Produced quality work for my classes (with grades to back it up)

  8. Hosted community-building events for Annenberg Women's Leadership Society

  9. Practiced networking and made great connections, even if just a start!

  10. Worked hard to secure summer opportunities

I don't want to reflect on the year solely based on my accomplishments, involvements, or grades. I am proud of my efforts for all of these things, but college is so much more.

  1. I learned to balance independence and social life

  2. I prioritized building quality friendships and maintaining them

  3. I learned to be alone during 10 days of covid

  4. I struggled with the unknown and trusting my capabilities

  5. I reconnected with my love for being active and got outside more

  6. I feel confident (most of the time) in my place at school and in my future, even when I don't know what it will look like

  7. Explored LA and enjoyed the weather

  8. Tried to stay motivated, but sometimes sleep wins

  9. I stayed connected with my family

  10. I practiced immense gratitude for my daily life and the privilege to receive this education

Overall, I am sad to move on and leave the happy memories behind. As I sit in my half-packed apartment, I wonder how long it will take for these memories to fade, and how I will remember them. I hope I remember this year with immense gratitude for the people, opportunities, and personal growth. Each day feels formative in my human experience, even the bad days. Every person I have met is so smart and unique, pushing me to keep finding myself and sharing my authenticity with them as well.

Do I leave tomorrow and so much work to do in finishing up finals? Yes. But, in true Lindsey fashion, I must reflect on this moment and this change in my life.

This is just the beginning. While I am still bitter at times for what covid has taken from my college experience, my story is just beginning. I cannot change the circumstances or the confusion or insecurities of college. However, I can continue to surround myself with amazing people, challenge my creativity, work hard, and make amazing memories.

And as always, fight on.

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